June 2017 Balancing Update

Greetings Chief!
As we continue to develop Clash of Clans, we will be releasing updates, features, balance changes, and new content for both the Builder Base and the Town Hall.  While we are proud of our accomplishments with the Builder Base, rest assured we are not forgetting about the Town Hall – in fact this update is primarily focused on your Town Hall (although there is a much requested feature for the Builder Base listed at the end!). So check out what we have in store for your Town Hall below!

New Defensive content updates

  • NEW: Cannon level 15 (TH11)
Cannon levels 10-14 upgrade time or cost has been discounted
  • NEW: Archer Tower level 15 (TH11)
Archer Tower levels 9-14 upgrade time or cost has been discounted
  • NEW: Inferno Tower level 5 (TH11)
Inferno Tower levels 2-4 upgrade time or cost has been discounted
Inferno Tower level 4 multi-mode damage has been increased
Inferno Tower single-mode 1st stage damage has been changed to match multi-mode damage

New Offensive content updates

Conversely, we have also added additional levels along with balance updates to the following Troops to ensure additional offensive power is available as well.
  • NEW: P.E.K.K.A. level 6 (TH11)
P.E.K.K.A. upgrade time or costs have been discounted across ALL levels
  • NEW: Wizard level 8 (TH11)
Wizard levels 6-7 upgrade time or costs have been discounted
  • NEW: Healer level 5 (TH11)
At last, the long-awaited new Healer level is here!
  • NEW: Miner level 5 (TH11)
Miner upgrade time or costs have been discounted across ALL levels
Miner level 3 is now available at Town Hall 10 (was at TH11)
Miner levels 2-5 hitpoints have been increased
  • NEW: Wall Breaker level 7 (TH11)
Wall Breaker upgrade time or costs have been discounted across ALL levels
  • Dragon levels 4-6 hitpoints have been increased
  • Hog Rider levels 6-7 hitpoints have been increased

Builder Base

  • NEW: Watch Live!
We have heard your requests and we agreed it was a feature much needed! Similar to the Live Replay function in the Town Hall, if you complete your Builder Base attack before your opponent, you can now watch your opponent’s attack and see how well your Builder Base defenses perform.  

That’s all for now, Chief!  But rest assured we are still working on new stuff for both your Town Hall and Builder Base. So stay tuned as we continue to develop more exciting content!

Clash On!
- Clash Of Clans team


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